Even though you can't see it
Just because you cannot see it, it doesn’t mean it is not there. I met my friend in the street and he was wearing a lanyard. The lanyard was covered with sunflowers, startling yellow on a bright green background. I admired it. “II like your sunflower lanyard, what is it for?” I asked. “Oh, it’s to show I have a hidden disability,” he said. He has the beginnings of dementia and you cannot tell as he walks down the street. I will look out for the sunflowers because things are not always what they seem. There are lots of hidden illnesses and perhaps the person I saw parking in a space for the disabled and walking away had a disability we could not see. I wonder if he was wearing the sunflower lanyard. The road was very busy and it is a good job my friend was with a group of people as he could not have crossed the road safely. The traffic in town is non-stop and seems to be increasing. I remember when I was a young girl one of our games was to go to our lane end and write down ca