Big Butterfly Count

Have you noticed that the Butterfly Conservation is asking us all to do a butterfly count this summer?

Last winter I did the RSPB bird count and it was such a shame that the woodpeckers did not put in an appearance in the hour that I was officially counting. We always have at least two in the garden, but not for the Big Garden Birdwatch. I was very tempted to put it in our count – just one – to show that it was always here but I resisted the temptation. I wish I had a photograph of the woodpeckers to prove to you that they do visit our garden.

Anyway, back to the butterflies, I have just done a count in our field. There are loads of them flitting in and out of the wild flowers and grasses. I counted 12 species in 15 minutes and apparently there are only 58 species in the UK so that is not bad and I feel rather proud. All the special ones that I have seen before put in an appearance.
Now, knowing I was going to tell you about this I went off to take a photograph to prove that our field is full of all these beautiful creatures.

This is my photograph.

Well, I am sure that you know it is notoriously difficult to take photos of wild life. It is their nature to fly off every few seconds. And I did want to show you the grass again!

I will try again with a close up this time
Here is my second try


I am determined to get a photo to prove that we have all those butterflies so I am taking a chair and a cup of tea into the field and I am going to sit there until I have a good picture for you.

Still no luck, as soon as I sat down with my camera they all suddenly migrated to the other side of the field.

I really did see 12 different butterflies.


  1. Your garden looks so beautful, and so many butterflies. I haven't seen many this year.

    Birds, yes, I have lots, masses of sparrows, thrushes,blackbirds etc. I did have pair of
    woodpeckers, but they seem to have moved on.


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