Home from hospital (again)

Bang, crash flash. It was not a thunderstorm but noises in my head as I gradually came back to consciousness. My operation was over and I slowly checked my senses I could hear the theatre nurse on my right, I could smell the disinfectant air, I could feel my fingers and I could see. But could I read?

I remember when my mother had a brain operation (mine was not this) they asked her as she came round from anaesthetic, ‘Who is the Prime minister?’.  She knew it was Harold Wilson – not too difficult as he had quite a long stint in the job. But if they asked me the same question, I think that I could have been forgiven for not knowing because we have had so many different ones recently. In any case, my brain seemed to be working as I squinted to read a notice on the wall it said, ‘Quiet Please’, and of course all I wanted to do was to shout out in joy that it was all over.

When I was waiting the long weeks before my operation, I read a poster telling me how to prepare. Lose weight (I am thin), stop smoking (I do not smoke) cut down alcohol (I drink little). The last instruction was ‘exercise’. So, for the last few weeks, I did a cycle journey down our lane every day trying to avoid the potholes.

But a few days ahead of the op. I went out with a friend for coffee and cake. We chose an outside venue (I did not want COVID to rear its ugly head). All was going well until a little cat roaming the tables in hope of food or a cuddle jumped onto my lap. Its claws dug into my arm, I started to bleed. They will not operate if you have an open wound. I rang the hospital and had to upload a photo of the scratch. They decided it would be alright.

Another thing I had to do, and I think that all Shropshire hospitals are running this trial, was to wash in antibacterial soap all over including my hair from five days before the op. Also, I had to sniff antibacterial ointment up my nostrils twice a day. I think that it is to try and avoid hospital infections. It worked for me, but we will have to wait for the trial results. It seems like a good idea although it did not do the appearance of my hair much good!

Mr T took me home in the car and we looked out for the potholes again so as not to undo all the surgeon’s good work.

(Taken from my column in the Shropshire Star) 

First hair wash after op. and big box of chocolates to eat


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